The Wellbeing Junction Project @ The Mental Health Hub by MeYouWellbeing.

FREE Digital Group Therapy

The Wellbeing Junction Project.

FREE Digital Group Therapy at The Mental Health Hub by MeYouWellbeing.

Discover the Power of Connection in Our Digital Group Therapy Sessions

Are you facing challenges like anxiety and depression and looking for a down-to-earth and supportive community? Welcome to our digital group therapy sessions, where we provide a safe space for you to connect with others who share similar struggles. Together, we'll navigate life's ups and downs and grow stronger in the process.

Our sessions are led by experienced therapists who genuinely care about your wellbeing. They create an open and non-judgmental atmosphere that encourages everyone to participate actively. It's a place where you can freely share your thoughts and emotions, knowing that you're among friends who understand what you're going through.

We understand that privacy is crucial on your journey to healing. That's why we prioritise confidentiality, ensuring that your personal experiences remain protected. During these sessions, you'll not only find emotional support but also gain practical coping skills to tackle life's challenges head-on.

Our digital group therapy isn't just about therapy; it's about personal growth and empowerment. Whether you're seeking a listening ear, companionship, or valuable tools to improve your mental wellbeing, our sessions provide a down-to-earth space for growth.

Ready to start this journey of connection and self-discovery?

When: TBC

Where: Online (will either be Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet)

Cost: Donation based - The cost is free however we would really appreciate if you are able to donate anything to help support the service. There is no minimum donation amount.

Prefer to meet in person?

Check out the in person group therapy options at the locations below. Want a session to start near you? Contact us.


In person hours


Current Locations

Harrow, London